The GEOTEC Office package, developed for geotechnical and design engineering, contains a suite of five programs and associated tools to assist you in analyzing raft foundations, drawing soil layers, analyzing piles, solving soil problems, and it even includes a word processing program for your project data.
The first program included in the suite is EPLA and this program analyzes raft foundations, groups and footings, etc. with the real subsoil model, and it can handle the analysis of flexible, elastic and rigid foundations. This program features 7 independent applications that enable you to edit data, solve problems, display graphical data, produce results, list your calculated results and graphically display certain sections as well as edit and display boring layers. The second program in the GEOTEC suite, BOHR, allows you to draw soil layers by different symbols using the German specification code DIN 4023. With Tief, the third program in the package, you can solve the problems of analyzing a single pile, the bearing capacity and settlement of single piles and walls, and the stress coefficients according to GEDDESS. GeoTools, the fourth program in the package, will help you to solve problems in relation to stresses and strains in soil and rigid rafts. Finally, the package also features a self-adaptive mesh wizard with element/node distributions and the fifth application, GEOTEC-Text, is a word processing program for editing your output data and for managing your project data.
Comments (2)
Now Version 10 is more faster and user friendly.